Configure data access and auditing || a - iii
Qsn) How to Implement Encrypted backup Ans : To create an encrypted backup an encryption algorithm as shown in the following steps: Create a master key. Create or obtain a certificate protected by the master key. Create a database backup and protect it with the certificate. The following encryption algorithms can be used: AES_128 AES_192 AES_256 TRIPLE_DES_3KEY USE master ; GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'XYZ@123; CREATE CERTIFICATE BackupCertificate WITH SUBJECT = 'certificte_bkp' ; BACKUP DATABASE [trans_DB] TO DISK = N'D:\SQLBackupCRT\trans_DB_Certificate.bak' WITH ENCRYPTION ( ALGORITHM = AES_256 , SERVER CERTIFICATE = certificte_bkp ); Qsn) How to restore Encrypted backup on database? Ans : In order ...