Skip SQL job execution on last day OR specific day of the month.
A few days before I got the requirement to schedule a job in a way that it should not run on the last day of the month. and as we know, in SQL job schedule we do not have any option to skip the job execution on a specific day. But, we could able to achieve this using T-SQL. Below is the SQL which i have used to fulfill the requirement. USE MSDB DECLARE @date as datetime; SET @date=(select convert(date,dateadd(s,-1,dateadd(mm,datediff(m,0,getdate())+1,0)))) -- Getting last day of the month IF(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()))=@date) -- Comparing last day of the month with current date. begin exec sp_stop_job @job_name='<Job_Name>' -- If condition satisfied then, job execution will stop end else begin exec sp_update_jobstep @job_name='<Job_Name>',@step_id=2 -- If condition is not satisfied then, job execution will proceed further. end We can add the above query as the first step in SQL job or a separate job can be created which would ca...