
Showing posts from February, 2023

Always on setup end to end - Part 1 || Pre-requisites

Hello readers,  Welcome to the new blog after a long time. In this blog I would like to discuss complete end to end always on setup guide for beginners. I will be posting couple of blogs regarding always on in SQL server. I believe that would be helpful to understand Always on in SQL server in easy way. Always on setup involved multiple steps. Hence one may find it difficult. However, if you could plan it well then you may find that always on is much easier to configure and handle. So, without wasting the time lets proceed further. Firstly, we will see what is Always on in SQL Server ? Always on is the high availability and disaster recovery solution introduced in SQL server 2012. As the name suggest, Always on means availability of database all the time even in case of disaster. We can say it is the alternative of mirroring. Only thing is windows failover cluster service also required to be configured as a pre-requisite for always on. In this blog, we will only d...