File transfer using SFTP

In most of the organization SMB port (445) which is used for file sharing is disable for security reasons. But file sharing over the network is one of the important factor withing infrastructure. (Ex: DR Sync, Remote file backup Etc.)

In this blog we will see how to transfer files from Local path to remote server over SFTP.

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a secure version of File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which facilitates data access and data transfer over a Secure Shell (SSH) data stream.

Ensure “WinSCP” is installed on system from where file will get copied.

Please find below script which established connection to destination file server.


#Script Name : script.txt

# Connect to SFTP server using a password

open sftp://<Username>:<Passowrd>@<IPAddress>/ -hostkey="<SSL Thumbprint>"

# Ex: open sftp://Devendra:Techni@123@"ssh-ed4587 256ejfh5874HRJFO542545dgdgjsdkkd45588RALE555FHKA="

# Upload file

synchronize remote <SourcePath>\ /<SFTP_Path>/

# Ex: synchronize remote D:\SQL_Logs\ /SFTP/SQL/Daily/DB1/

# Exit WinSCP



Note: In above script we have used “synchronize remote” option instead of “put” Which will be synced local data with remote server.

“put” option copy all data from source to destination. Whereas, “synchronize” option only copy new / modified data. 


Consider there are 5 files on local server which already have been copied on remote server. If new file is created or any exiting file is updated on local server, only those files will be replaced on remote server.

Above script need to be called from “*.bat” file which need to be placed on path where “” utility is available.

Ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\SFTP_Copy.bat 



-- SFTP_Copy.bat /ini=nul /script= D:\Copy_Utility\script.txt /log=" D:\Copy_Utility\SFTP_logs\SFTPLog_!D-!M-!Y_!@.log" /loglevel=0 /logsize=5*10M

Above code will call “script.txt” file and logged the output in “SFTP_logs” folder.

Logs have been configured in such a way that it will limit log file size to 10 MB and will allow up to 5 archived logs. 

At the end, we need to schedule windows job to execute “SFTP_Copy.bat”. 


Ref :






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